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rain falls east of the Mississippi

like dripping clouds and spilled milk

the perfume of the evening air

intoxicates this primate brain

following hyacinth fumes

from dirt til dusk

all soft green things of this world

replicate themselves again and again,

reminding me how to soften, surrender

how supple is the soul -

give me your breath

deeply in, softly out

and only through the nostrils

for it’s the only breath that cannot lie

sunday morning

at the celestial breakfast table


the sun awakens, watchful

buzzing with an electric halo

our moon, she lounges,

juxtaposed in the early sky

encircled by blushing, puffy-eyed clouds


in between the two lovers

the fog flows long down the mountain

like Looking Glass Falls,

sweetly weeping at dawn


we too dreamily perch

at our heavenly breakfast table

you, reciting DH Lawrence in your own angelic halo

and i, childlike and hungry

nibble at every word

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